
At the International Level

In the 1830's in the United Kingdom, faithful Christians from several denominations shared a longing that the Lord would restore to the church what had been so vital in the first church, the full activity of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of the Apostle ministry. They fervently prayed for the restoration of these divine gifts. In response to this intense longing and the sincere prayers, spiritual gifts of prophesy and healing were awakened. On October 31, 1832 the first Apostle of the second sending, John Bate Cardale, was called by divine prophesy. Over the next three years, eleven more men from various denominations, social positions and religious training were called to the Apostle ministry.

These Apostles withdrew for a year to study the scripture and insure a complete understanding of their apostolic commission. When they emerged, the Apostles immediately began traveling, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, sealing souls with the Holy Spirit, ordaining ministers for the care of the congregations and working to fulfil their commission of preparing souls for the second coming of Christ. That work of Grace and Apostleship continues to this day.

That is the short version of our origin and history. 

1901 - At Local Level:

  • George Henwood Mkandawire is born on 15 August in Mzimba, Nyasaland 1928
  • Henwood, 27 years old and in the meantime Evangelist, moves from South African Athlone (Cape Province) to Livingstone in Northern Rhodesia and founds the first New Apostolic Church congregation at Maramba



  • The government of Northern Rhodesia officially recognizes the New Apostolic Church



  • The first service of an Apostle is held in Livingstone. In this service Apostle Heinrich F. Schlaphoff seals 244 souls and appoints Henwood as Community Elder
  • Henwood sends ministers to many parts of Northern Rhodesia to establish congregations among whom were Donald Kaluba and Eliya Jere, who establish a congregation in Lusaka



  • Heinrich F. Schlaphoff is appointed District Apostle for Northern Rhodesia; God's work has in the meantime spread to the Copperbelt province. A congregation is established in Ndola



  • The government moves its seat from Livingstone to Lusaka



  • Apostle Robert de Vries visits the country, seals further souls and ordains Henwood as District Elder. The congregation in Lusaka numbers 120 members



  • District Elder Henwood gives new impulses for the vineyard work in Nyasaland



  • Herbert Kaira begins to establish a congregation in Kafoteka, Nyasaland
  • The first congregations are founded in Barotseland (Western province of Zambia) on the border with Angola



  • Priest Njamba introduces the work of God to the King of the Lozi people, Litunga Ilute Yeta II



  • The testimony of God's work is brought to Zambezi



  • The New Apostolic Church is established in Eastern province in Zambia; the congregation in Chipata is established



  • District Apostle Schlaphoff, the Apostles D.C. Malan and P. Erasmus (left to right) travel to Northern Rhodesia in June - the first time after the second world war. District Elder Henwood is appointed Assistant Bishop on 11 June. District Apostle Schlapphof divides Rhodesia into three (3) districts: Livingstone, Lusaka and Ndola
  • In Ndola, and later in Lusaka, a congregation of European immigrants and their descendants is founded; Deacon Gert Naude settles in Salisbury and establishes a congregation of European immigrants


  • 1954
  • In October, District Apostle Abicht holds a service in Livingstone; two months later, and by commission of the Chief Apostle, he ordains Hurbert Fernandes and George Henwood as Apostles in a service in Cape Town on December, 12



  • On 19 October, in a service in Frankfurt, Germany, Chief Apostle Bischoff ordains Apostle H. Fernandes as District Apostle. At the same time he splits Southern Africa into three districts: Cape and Namibia go to District Apostle Abicht (shortly afterwards to District Apostle Karl Gut); Pretoria (today South East Africa) to District Apostle Keunen and Central Africa to Hurbert Fernandes
  • Apostle Henwood seals an 18 year old young man in Kitwe on 25 December. His name: Duncan Burton Mfune



  • Chief Apostle Bischoff ordains Andrew James Fernandes as an Apostle on 24 March. In May, he moves to Salisbury to support his brother, District Apostle Hurbert Ferbnandes, with the pastoral work
  • On 1 September, District Apostle H.H. Fernandes ordains Gert Naude as Bishop



  • On 15 September. en route to Salisbury, Apostle Henwood dies. For the funeral on 19 September, District Apostle Fernandes reads Revelation 2:10. Apostle Henwood is buried in Choma



  • On 16 August District Elder Njamba is ordained Apostle



  • The first visit of a Chief Apostle to Zambia. Chief Apostle Walter Schmidt holds a service in the Jubilee Hall in Lusaka on 25 April



  • Chief Apostle Schmidt appoints Apostle Andrew James Fernandes as District Apostle for Zambia and Malawi. His assistants are Apostle Njamba and Bishop Naude. The country of Malawi is looked after by the New Apostolic Church Zambia until 1989



  • District Apostle Andrew James Fernandes initiates Sunday school, religious instruction, choirs and work with the youth
  • Bishop Naude ordained Apostle and District Elder B.N. Sianga ordained Bishop by Chief Apostle Schmidt on 26 March in Dortmund



  • District Elder Duncan Burton Mfune is ordained Bishop on 10 February



  • Chief Apostle Ernst Streckeisen ordains Bishops Duncan Mfune and Barrington Sianga as Apostles at a youth service in Stuttgart, Germany, on 04 May
  • District Apostle Andrew J. Fernandes seals 22 year old Charles Ndandula at Fairview Congregation in Lusaka



  • Apostle Jeremiah Njamba retired on 25 January in Mongu
  • District Apostle Hurbert Fernandes dies on 6 March. Chief Apostle Streckeisen appoints District Apostle Andrew James Fernandes to lead the districts of Zimbabwe, Botswana and Caprivi Strip in addition to Malawi and Zambia
  • On 6 June, District Elders Nimon Anderson Makukula and Crawford Njamba Munalula are ordained Bishops by Chief Apostle Ernst Streckeisen



  • From 15 November to 1 December, and by commission of the Chief Apostle, District Apostle Hans Urwyler of Switzerland and Apostle Emil Fischer of Germany visit the New Apostolic people in Malawi, Rhodesia and Zambia




  • Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler visits Zambia. In a service on 16 November. He ordains Maxwell Sikwibele Maimbolwa as Apostle



  • On 1 January, Harrison Chibale and Brown Shambwe are ordained as Apostles in a service in Sindelfingen, Germany
  • Apostle Njamba dies on 16 March
  • Apostle Naude is prematurely retired on 24 August in a service in Kimberly, South Africa, on account of poor health
  • The congregation in Lusaka celebrates its 50th anniversary. Chief Apostle Urwyler is in Zambia from 23 to 26 December. He inaugurates the new Central Church in Lusaka on 25 December



  • On 8th May, the first President of the Republic of Zambia , Dr. D.K. Kaunda attends a church concert at the Central Church in Lusaka
  • Bishops Anderson Nimon Makukula and Crawford Njamba Munalula are ordained Apostles on 12 August, 1984 by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler
  • The congregation Nsumbu is established on an island in Lake Tanganyika in Northern province of Zambia



  • District Elder Frank Chubili Mwape is ordained Apostle in Retreat, Cape Town, South Africa on 24 October



  • Chief Apostle Urwyler visits Zambia in March and conducts a service for the departed



  • On 1 January, the Apostles Mfune, Mwape, and Sianga are appointed as District Apostle Helpers by Chief Apostle Urwyler in a service in Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Chief Apostle Urwyler travels to Zambia; on 28 June he conducts a service in Lusaka and ordains six Apostles and six bishops. The Apostles ordained were Charles Sakavumbi Ndandula, David K Seulu, Zaccheus K. Mweetwa, Eric E. Mushekwa, Shadreck K. Mikandu and Alfred N. Katundu (left to right from top). Only days later, the Chief Apostle falls seriously ill



  • On 2 October, James H. Kaira and Alfred Chipanda are ordained as Apostles for Malawi by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr



  • District Apostle Andrew James Fernandes dies on 9 June at the age of 72 years; Chief Apostle Fehr conducts a memorial service on 18 June in Harare, Zimbabwe. In this service, he ordains District Apostle Helper Mfune as District Apostle for Zambia and Bishop Anthony H.H. Fernandes (the son of the late District Apostle Hurbert Fernandes) as District Apostle for Zimbabwe and Malawi
  • On 9 July, Duncan Mfune conducts his first service as District Apostle in Mufulira
  • Some 53,000 souls are sealed in Zambia



  • District Apostles' meeting in Zimbabwe; Chief Apostle conducts a service on 15 April (Easter) in Lusaka and ordains five (5) Apostles and seven (7) Bishops. The apostles ordained were Ingombe M. Ananyatele, Kennedy A. Muchimba, Sitali Mukubesa, Daniel L. Lumai  and Peter Mwamba,  (left to right from top.)



  • A disastrous flood in the spring in Phalambe, Southern Malawi claims 500 lives; there were also two (2) New Apostolic victims
  • Some 60,800 souls are sealed in Zambia. The membership of the church on 31 December is 624,000 



  • On 2 February Apostle Nimon Anderson Makukula is retired together with Bishop Patrick Munkombwe. District Elder Aaron Sitali Katungu is ordained Bishop in the same service by Chief Apostle Fehr in Johannesburg, South Africa
  • District Apostle Mfune dedicates a new central church in Livingstone on 15 March. It carries the name Mosi-oa-Tunya (the smoke that thunders)
  • Apostle Shambwe dies on 28 May
  • Chief Apostle Fehr ordains five (5) Apostles for Zambia in a service in Lubumbashi, Zaire, on 20 September. These were Apostles Terry S. Nyambe, Ignitius B. Luneta, Aggrey K. Singanda, Stanley M. Munsaka and  Noah Kandisha (left to right from top.)
  • Apostle Naude dies on 5 December in South Africa



  • Chief Apostle Fehr conducts a service in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. He ordains Bishop Moses Michael Chipanda as Apostle for Malawi as well as three Bishops
  • In July, Chief Apostle Fehr conducts a service in Libala and Central churches in Lusaka, Zambia. The occasion marks the first time that a service of the New Apostolic Church is broadcast live on national radio and television in Zambia



  • Sister Nellie Henwood, the wife of the deceased Apostle Henwood, dies on 11 February
  • District Apostle Anthony H. H. Fernandes dies on 5 December. The Chief Apostle conducts the memorial service on 13 December. He commends the care of the New Apostolic people in Malawi to District Apostle Mfune



  • The Republican President Fredrick Chiluba attends a concert in the central church in Lusaka on 9 July
  • In a service in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 26 November, Chief Apostle Fehr commissions Apostle Charles S. Ndandula as District Apostle Helper
  • The District Apostle Helper Barrington Nawa Sianga passes away on 3 December



  • Apostle Moses Muyatwa Mulopo is ordained Apostle for the Cape District on 11 August in Germany by Chief Apostle Fehr. He was transferred to Zambia in January 2005



  • On 19 September, the Chief Apostle dedicates the new central church in Zambezi. He then conducts an open-air service in Mongu 
  • Chief Apostle Fehr visits Zambia from 18 to 22 September. During his sojourn he retires the Apostles M.S. Maimbolwa, C.N. Munalula and D.L. Lumai of Zambia and Bishop Mbano of Malawi. He then ordains 18 Apostles and seven Bishops. Among them are Apostles Akombaetwa Samalama and Richard N. Kasoma (left to right) and five Bishops for Zambia as well as two Bishops for Malawi.



  • Apostle Harrison Chibale dies on 19 February
  • The wife of the state president presents the New Apostolic Church in Malawi with a cheque to be used for the extention of the central church building in Mzuzu
  • Apostle Eric Mushekwa dies on 24 August
  • Mr. Chenda Mkandawire, a minister in the Malawi government attends a service on 4 October held by District Apostle Mfune in Mzuzu



  • Within four hours of each other, Apostle Alfred Chipanda of Malawi and his wife, Bethel, pass away on 23 October
  • The retired Apostle Crawford Njamba Munalula dies on 16 November


  • District Apostle Mfune dedicates the new central church in Lilongwe on 10 June. Hon. Sam Mpano,  Speaker of the National Assembly of Malawi is in attendance
  • A new office complex is inaugurated at Marrapodi Church Farm in Lusaka on 24 June
  • A District Apostle's meeting is convened in Lilongwe on 24 September. In the service in the new central church in Lilongwe, the Chief Apostle Fehr ordains two apostles, namely Arnold Ndakondwa Mhango (top left) and Aaron Wedson Gausi (Top middle) and a Bishop for Malawi as well as three apostles, namely Robert Maliti Nsamba (top right), Moses Kangwa Chileshe (bottom left) and Remmie Mbiya Muyenga (bottom left) and two Bishops for Zambia
  • By the end of the year, the New Apostolic Church in Zambia counts more than one million members



  • Apostle Shadreck K. Mikandu dies on 13 March in Kitwe, Zambia. He was until his death the Music Co-ordinator for Zambia and Malawi, assisted by Apostle Peter Mwamba
  • The New Apostolic Church in Malawi numbers more than 143,000 members by June 30th



  • Chief Apostle Fehr visits Zambia. More than 7,000 members attend a service in the central church in Lusaka on 27 January. Countrywide the attendance was reported as 957,000 brothers and sisters. The day coincides with District Apostle Mfune's 65th birthday. The Chief Apostle holds another service the following day 28 January 2002 in Kitwe Central Church on the Copperbelt



  • The New Apostolic Church in Zambia and Malawi celebrates its 75th anniversary. Chief Apostle Fehr is in Zambia from 8 to 11 August. On 9 August the Chief Apostle visits Apostle George Henwood's grave in Choma. He then conducts an open-air service at villa Park Grounds in Livingstone the following day to commemorate this occasion and ordains for Zambia two Apostles (Aubrey S. Mwanza and Willie R. Sweta) and three Bishops among others
  • Apostles Arnold Ndakondwa Mhango and Robert Maliti Nsamba of Malawi and Zambia respectively, are commissioned District Apostle Helpers in a service by the Chief Apostle Fehr in Brussels, Belgium on 21 December. In the same service Bishops Alexis Samson Nyaleye and Michael Muzuma Milupi of Malawi and Zambia respectively, are ordained Apostles



  • Apostle Peter Mwamba dies On 25 August. He had been until then the coordinator of the choir in the New Apostolic Church in Zambia and Malawi since taking over from late Apostle Mikandu



  • Apostle Mukubesa is retired by District Apostle D.B. Mfune on 27 February in Chelstone congregation in a service in which the District Apostle conducted his last service as District Apostle of Zambia and Malawi
  • On 13 March District Apostle Mfune enters into a well deserved retirement. District Apostle Helper Charles Sakavumbi Ndandula succeeds him as District Apostle for Zambia and Malawi. Two apostles are ordained for Zambia. These are hitherto District Elder Ranford Simumbwe for Kabwe-Serenje and Bishop Aaron Sitali Katungu for Ndola-Mufulira. This was in a festive service conducted by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr in his last visit to Zambia as Chief Apostle
  • Retired Apostle Nimon Anderson Makukula dies on 16 June after an illness at the age of 83



  • On 28 February retired Apostle Daniel Lufunda Lumai dies
  • On 9 March Apostle Alfred Nawa Katundu dies
  • Apostle Z.K. Mweetwa and Bishop G. Kenya are placed into retirement by Chief Apostle W. Leber. Hitherto District Evangelist Baker Chakwana is ordained apostle to replace retired Apostle Mweetwa. District Elder George Fwalo is ordained Bishop for Kasama area to replace retired Bishop Kenya
  • Gondah church in Chipata is dedicated on 11 July by Chief Apostle Leber in his first ever visit to Zambia as Chief Apostle



  • The New Apostolic Church Zambia administration launches its local website on 26th February



  • Chief Apostle Leber visits Lilongwe, Malawi from 28 February to 4 March and conducts a service for ministers and their spouses on  29 February and the service for the departed on 2nd March
  • Chief Apostle Leber visits Livingstone, Zambia from 4 to 9 December and conducts a service for ministers and their spouses on  Friday, 5 December at Maramba congregation and a divine service on Sunday, 7 December at Musi-O-Tunya congregation. District Elder Godwin Lubinda Nyuwa of Sesheke and District Evangelist Shem Samalela of Solwezi are ordained into the Bishop ministry



  • Apostle T.S. Nyambe dies on 1st December



  • Chief Apostle Leber visits Nairobi, Kenya and conducts a service in which Apostle Noah Kandisha of Chipata, Zambia is retired. District Evangelist Kububa Soko is ordained Apostle to take his place on 7 March.
  • Apostle A.W. Gausi dies on 8 September
  • Chief Apostle Wilhem Leber visits Zambia and conducts two divine services in Kitwe and Lusaka. In the Lusaka service on 31 October he ordains two Apostles and three Bishops (among others) for Zambia. The Apostles ordained are hitherto Bishop Godwin Lubinda Nyuwa of Sesheke for Livingstone-Musiotunya apostle area (replacing late Apostle Nyambe) and District Elder Donald Kalunga Kalyangu of Lusaka for Lusaka-West-Mumbwa apostle area to replace retired Apostle Akombaetwa Samalama. Bishops ordained are Conrard Walubita Masheke of Mongu, Fred Mwila of Kabwe and Jonas Kamwengo of Lukulu.




  • Chief Apostle Leber visits Mwanza, Tanzania and conducts a service in which, among others, Apostle David Kapalu Seulu of Chingola, Zambia, is retired. District Elder Patrick Chishinda Poho of Solwezi is ordained Apostle to take his place on 14 August. Also ordained Apostle is Bishop Owen John Kaira of Mzuzu, Malawi, replacing late Apostle Aaron Wedson Gausi. His place as Bishop is taken by hitherto District Evangelist Peter George Nkhana of Mzimba, Malawi.
  • Apostle Maxwell Sikwibele Maimbolwa (retired) dies on 20 November



  • Chief Apostle Leber visits Choma, Zambia and conducts a service for the departed in the new Choma Central church in which Apostle James Hubert Kaira of Malawi is retired. Hitherto Bishop Foster Chimbizgani Lungu also of Mzuzu, Malawi is ordained to take his place. District Elder Paul Lefred Ng'ambi is ordained Bishop all on 4 March. Two days later the Chief Apostle conducts another divine service in the Celebration Centre Hall in Harare, Zimbabawe and retires Apostle Jan Hendrick Welman. His place is taken by Bishop Daniel Sayela Mulemba of Bulawayo on 6 March 2012. Ordained Bishop in the same divine service is District Elder Daniel Felemenga Matekenya of Harare.



  • In a divine service on Sunday 01 December, 2013 at Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg - South Africa, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider ordains Bishop Steven Lishebo Lindunda of Kitwe and District Elder Elvis Mubita Liywalii of Mongu into the  Apostle ministry. District Elder Oscar Sibote Kalumiana of Lusaka is ordained Bishop. 
  • Apostles Moses Muyatwa Mulopo, Willie Rutherlain Sweta and Bishop Joseph Siachalwa Muchimba retire in the same service.



  • In a divine service on Sunday 03 August, 2014 at Ndola Central Congregation, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider ordains Bishop Philip Chinoya Mututa of Solwezi and Crispin Wakina John Katembo of Lusaka.



  • In two separate services in Kasama and Monze, Apostles Aubrey Sitima Mwanza and Alpheus Kennedy Muchimba are retired on 11  and 18 January, respectively by District Apostle Charles Ndandula on behalf of the Chief Apostle.
  • In a divine service conducted on 25 January by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Bishops Edwin Mweemba Kasamu of Chikankata, Southern Province and  George Fwalo of Kasama, Northern Province, are ordained Apostles to replace retired Apostles Muchimba and Mwanza, respectively.
  • Memorable Pentecost service with the Chief Apostle and all the District Apostles and their Helpers and all Apostles active in Africa is held in Lusaka on 24 May at the National Heroes Stadium.
  • Apostle Aaron Sitali Katungu dies on 6 September.



  • Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visits Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and Blantyre, Malawi from 2 to 7 November. He conducts a mid-week service in Bulawayo on 3 November and festive divine service for the departed in Blantyre on 6 November in which District Elder Jacob Mwansa is ordained Apostle to replace the late Apostle Aaron Katungu.
  • District Evangelist Oliver Mwiya is ordained Bishop by District Apostle Charles Ndandula on 13 November 2016 in a festive divine service in Ndola Central Church



  • Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visits Lusaka, Zambezi and Mansa from 22 June to 28 June 2017. This is the first ever visit of a Chief Apostle in Luapula province.


  • Chief Apostle visits Livingstone, Zambia on the occassion of the 90th anniversary of the existence of the Church in Zambia.
  • Apostles Ignatius B. Luneta (left) and Godwin L. Nyuwa (right) of Senanga and Sesheke, respectively, are placed into retirement.
  • Hitherto District Elders Peter Mukonda (left) and Tufule Sabwiza (right) of Senanga and Sesheke respectively are ordained Apostles to replace the retired Apostles. The retirements and ordinations take place on the grounds of Nakatindi church on 29 April 2018.
  • District Elder Nawa Linyango and District Elder Nawa Mulopo are ordained Bishops by District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula for Senanga-Shangombo and Sesheke-Mulobezi Apostle Areas, on 1 May 2018 and  2 May 2018, respectively.
  • Apostle Stanley M. Munsaka (left) is placed into retirement on 5 August 2018 in a service conducted by District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula at Lusaka Central Church.
  • Bishop Oscar Sibote Kalumiana succeeds the retired Apostle a week later, ordained by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania  on 12 August.
  • District Elder Jacob Yakomba Yavwa is assigned Bishop by District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula for Lusaka Central-Kabwe East Apostle Area on 19 August 2018 at Olympia Park congregation, to assist the newly ordained Apostle Oscar Kalumiana.



  • On 17 March, Apostle Moses Kangwa Chileshe is placed into retirement by District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula at Mansa Central Church. In the same service, District Elder Obed Chisenga is assigned Bishop.
  • On 31 March, Bishop Charles Godwin Zimba of Malawi South and District Elder James Chinkubila Kasongo of Lusaka are ordained Apostles in Kampala, Uganda by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider.
  • On the same day Apostle Allexson Samson Nyaleye is placed into retirement in Malawi by District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula. The District Apostle also assigns District Elder Joseph L. Ntiza as Bishop.
  • From 18 to 22 July the Chief Apostle visits Kitwe, Ndola and Lusaka, Zambia. He conducts a divine service at Ndola Central on 20 July.
  • On 21 July, District Apostle Charles S. Ndandula is placed into retirement by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in a service at Lusaka Central Church. In the same service District Apostle Helper Kububa Soko is apppointed District Apostle to replace him.
  • On 13 December, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider ordains hitherto District Evangelist Collins Chazilwa Luhanga  of Chipata Apostle Area as Apostle in a divine Service in Namibia. 



  • On 26 September, District Evangelist Imungana Malikana and District Elders Maliwa Lubinda Maliwa of Zambia and Alex Mvula Thosi Kachikhawu of Malawi are ordained Apostles at Luangwa Grounds in Kabwe by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider.



  • On 19 June, Bishops Paul Lefred Ng'ambi and Joseph Lasson Ntiza of Malawi and Christopher Kaluma (Kalomo), Moffat Chihana (Isoka), Yakomba Yavwa (Lusaka), Fred Mwila (Kabwe), Jonas Kamwengo (Kaoma), and District Elder Robert Rabson Zulu (District Rector - Lusaka) and Community Evangelist Davy Munkombwe (District Rector - Mazabuka) are ordained Apostles at Tennis Club in Mazabuka, Zambia by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider.


  • (November - December) There is a split in the church after the Chief Apostles' announcement that women would be permitted to hold ministries in the church starting from January 2023. The new church is called True Apostolic Church. A number of ministers and members defect to the new church.



  • On 1 January, with the commission of the Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, District Apostle Kububa Soko retires Apostles Michael Muzuma Milupi, Remmie Mbiya Muyenga, Steven Lishebo Lindunda, Jacob Mwansa and Edwin Mweemba Kasamu at Kabanana Congregation in Lusaka.


  • On 8 Janaury, Bishops Michael Macha, Maeke Njunju and Obed Chisenga of Livingstone, Lusaka and Mansa, respectively, and District Rector Rings Ndambo of Choma are ordained Apostles in a divine service conducted by the Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • On  13th May, 24 sisters of Manyika area in Lusaka East-Kafue Apostle Area perish in a road traffic accident in Kapilingozi area on their way to Siamatika for a Luyando Sisters' gathering. The funeral service is conducted by District Apostle Kububa Soko and the deceased are burried in a mass grave in Manyika on 16 May.
  • On 14th May, Apostle Michael Muzuma Milupi dies. Before his well-deserved retirement on 1st January 2023, he cared for Lusaka East-Kafue Apostle Area.
  • Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visits Zambia from 7 to 12 June and conducts three (3) divine services in Mfuwe, Namwala and Solwezi, respectively. In the last service in Solwezi on 11 June, he ordains 5 Apostles, two (2) for South Africa and three (3) for Zambia. Those ordained for South Africa are Fredericks Daniel Lekay of West Coast Apostle Area and Neville Williams of Bellville Apostle Area. For Zambia, the following are ordained: District Rectors Duncan Sakeni Mwelwa (Mansa Apostle Area), Graham Mafulo (Kasempa-Kabompo Apostle Area) and Bishop Nawa Linyango (Senanga-Shangombo Apostle Area). Senanga-Shangombo Apostle Area is split into two with Apostle Nawa Linyango taking the newly formed Shangombo Apostle Area and Apostle Peter Mukonda taking Senanga Apostle Area. Mansa Apostle Area is also split into two: Apostle Duncan Sakeni Mwelwa takes the newly formed Lubwe Apostle Area and Apostle Obed Chisenga takes Mansa Apostle Area.  
  • On 23rd June District Apostle (ir) Shadreck Mundia Lubasi dies and is put to rest on 27th June in Lusaka. Funeral Service is conducted by District Apostle Kububa Soko and in attendance is District Apostle Joseph Ekhuya from East Africa. District Apostle Ekhuya was the successor to District Apostle Lubasi upon his retirement on 19 April 2015, having been the first District Apostle for East Africa District Apostle Area.


  • On 27 June, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider (accompanied by District Apostle Patrick Mandla Mkhwanazi of South Africa) visits Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He conducts a divine service at the Trade Fair  Grounds (Convention Centre hall 2) the following day.
  • On 28 June, the Chief Apostle flys to Lilongwe en-route to Mzuzu, Malawi.
  • On 29 June the Chief Apostle and entourage attends a choral concert in Mzuzu.
  • on 30 June the Chief Apostle conducts a divine service (preparation for the service for the departed) at Mzuzu Stadium. District Apostle Helper Arnold Assigai Ndakondwa Mhango is placed into a well deserved retirement before celebrating his 45 years marriage anniversary with his dear wife, Norma.